Editorial and Fact-Check Policy

BulletinSamachar.com is dedicated to publishing accurate information across all content. We take multiple steps to ensure accuracy: investigating claims with skepticism, questioning assumptions, and challenging conventional wisdom. Achieving due accuracy in all our output is fundamental to our reputation and the trust of our audience. “Due” accuracy means that the accuracy is adequate and appropriate for the output, considering the subject and nature of the content and any constraints that might affect expectations.

Principles of Reporting

  • Sourcing: All content, appropriate to its nature, must be well-sourced, based on available evidence, and corroborated.
  • Honesty and Openness: We strive to be honest and open about what we don’t know and avoid unfounded speculation.
  • Originality: Our journalists never plagiarize or distort facts or context, including visual information, knowingly.
  • Verification: We seek independent verification from sources to confirm claims, especially those made by public officials or individuals with agendas beyond reporting the truth. Unverifiable content is attributed accordingly.
  • Accountability: BulletinSamachar.com stands by the information it publishes. If proven inaccurate, we correct the content as quickly as possible without knowingly and materially misleading our audiences or distorting facts.

Correction Policies

BulletinSamachar.com is committed to excellence and accuracy but recognizes that errors can occur. We maintain a high level of transparency in correcting errors to ensure confidence that any incorrect information does not spread.

For Readers:

  • Reporting Errors: Readers who spot errors should contact the editor-in-chief immediately via email or other provided means. Corrections must include the error, its location, the reader’s contact information, and, if applicable, the correct information with a source.
  • Process: A correction submission initiates an investigation but does not guarantee a correction will be issued. Readers can expect a response and may be contacted for further clarification.

For BulletinSamachar.com:

  • Investigation: Upon notification, the editor-in-chief will investigate the error using available resources.
  • Issuing Corrections: Found errors will be corrected in all formats disseminated, including print, online, and social media, with appropriate notes indicating the correction.
  • Communication: After correction, the editor-in-chief will inform the reader who submitted the correction about the actions taken.

Editorial Review

  • Fact-Checking: Stories undergo a multi-level fact-checking process based on complexity, sensitivity, and time constraints, ensuring due diligence.
  • Editorial Review: A team of editors reviews stories before publication, with the level of review varying based on several factors.

Engagement and Transparency

  • Public Feedback: We provide opportunities for public feedback on inaccuracies or errors through a ‘Suggest A Correction’ feature available on every published web story.
  • Transparency in Corrections: We acknowledge serious factual errors, correct them promptly, and clearly, ensuring our audience’s trust remains intact.

Changes to Policies

BulletinSamachar.com reserves the right to modify these policies at any time to better achieve our goals of accuracy, transparency, and excellence.

Contact Information

For questions, concerns, or to report errors, please contact us at:

By engaging with BulletinSamachar.com, our audience trusts us to deliver accurate and responsible journalism. We are committed to upholding this trust through our dedicated editorial and fact-checking policies.

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